Published Nov 11, 2020 by Xiph
Criminals are having a field day under the cover of Covid
Cybercrime is thriving even as small to medium-size enterprises (SMEs) and corporations alike fight to get back to business as (new) normal. But the fact that more employees, businesspeople and individuals than ever, are getting fleeced, taken advantage of or simply having their data sold to highest or most manipulative bidders is hampering economic recovery. But that is today’s reality.

And there is one preventable reason for this online mayhem.
Very basic mistakes are making it easy for everyday cybercriminals – everyday!
Recent research* has revealed that “1 in 6 Aussie respondents were a victim of cybercrime during lockdown.” This is a shocking ratio but the paper showed that of the respondents surveyed:
81% used their personal devices - not their encrypted and presumably (uh-oh!) encrypted and secured work devices and networks - to do their jobs or study or both
74% are paying for groceries or utility bills online
55% have increased their use of non-work-related conference tools
1 in 3 signed up to a new subscription service (streaming, gaming books…)
Question. Is your business vulnerable to attack? Are you?
…you can see how many more avenues for exploitation have emerged, both in the business and personal arenas. Cybercriminals, hackers and data-harvesters are depending on you to simply ignore both the vulnerabilities inherent in unsecured online activities as well as the huge uptick in the volume of activity.
Additionally, with criminals profiting from covid-19 related scams, securing your data is no longer an option, it is an absolute necessity.
Awareness and vigilance are the keys to securing your private data
Yes, awareness is important. And importantly, 37% of respondents did note a disturbing increase in cybercrime activity during lockdown. Now for some, lockdowns have come to an end. But vigilance is still the key to protecting what’s yours. Whether you need:
Smartphones – new and refurbished, created with total privacy in mind and perfect for small businesses, large organisations, families and individuals alike.
Secure Laptop Bundles providing ease of use, peace of mind and absolute protection. You can even talk to us about tailoring options to your individual specifications.
Additional services – encrypted and secure messaging and emails, as well as a range of privacy focused hardware, tools and accessories.
…you can access our webshop right here and find everything you need to avoid becoming another cybercrime statistic.
Posted in: Security