International Support for Stand against Anti-Encryption Law

Published Feb 25, 2019 by Xiph

Solidarity between suppliers preserves online privacy Secure Enterprise Communications provider SaltDNA and Sydney based encryption specialists NCrypt Cellular have recently elected to oppose anti-encryption legislation passed in Australian Parliament which seriously compromises rights to online security. In a determined message of solidarity, SaltDNA have made it clear to all in Australia that the hastily-drafted legislation has not gone unnoticed overseas and that they object in principal and practice to the troubling and seriously flawed policy making.

Solidarity between suppliers preserves online privacy

Secure Enterprise Communications provider SaltDNA and Sydney based encryption specialists NCrypt Cellular have recently elected to oppose anti-encryption legislation passed in Australian Parliament which seriously compromises rights to online security. In a determined message of solidarity, SaltDNA have made it clear to all in Australia that the hastily-drafted legislation has not gone unnoticed overseas and that they object in principal and practice to the troubling and seriously flawed policy making.

The fuse was lit when it became clear that in order for SaltDNA to comply, their offer, promise and mission would have to be seriously compromised and in so doing, would compromise the privacy of those that they and their B2B clients such NCrypt, strive to protect.

The European-based, digital security innovator announced support for NCrypt Cellular in their opposition to the newly formulated laws, joining a chorus of objectors ranging from global online players through to local commercial entities.

Ensuring that our customers have free and ready access to the very best products and services that protect their private data is the primary reason we chose to partner SaltDNA in the provision of online digital security. We admire, endorse and respect their integrity in this very important issue”, said Alex Kesik, CTO of NCrypt Cellular.
SaltDNA have been servicing digital privacy needs since 2013 and are a recognised leader in the provision of encryption solutions for both individuals and organisations alike. NCrypt Cellular remain proudly committed to the SaltDNA partnership and uncompromising stand taken in defence of privacy and protection of personal data.

About NCrypt Cellular

Security and privacy at your fingertips

Security of data and information shouldn’t be a hit and miss affair and Ncrypt Cellular is a recognised industry expert in secure phones, networks, tools and accessories sales, installations and peace mind. They believe that commercial security of data is a must and personal security of information is a right. At the end of the day, you need to be sure, now you can be.

Posted in: Security